Saturday, May 30, 2009

Trying to Live my Dream

Wow. I haven't posted a blog in a long time! I feel like i'm about to explode right now, LOL, but i've got nothing to say.. weird huh?
Well, i've been bored lately, with nothing to do but go to piano lessons, and sit at home.. doing nothing. Well, i have been reading, but its not enough for me. I want to do so much! I want to move to L.A, and get a job as an Actress, I really doo!! Its the one thing i want to do in life, i think i'll feel empty if i don't achieve it at all. I won't feel hapy, i feel it now, but i can't be sure its because of that. I think i'm kind of angry at myself for not doing anything now while i have the free time. Believe me, i WANT to do something, but i just don't have the money to be using on gas, or to be going to some movie sets and start a lil bit of MOVIE EXTRA training. That's why i need a job.. bad. And these trying times aren't helping a bit. But once i do get a job i'll be going from place to place, calling some people and trying to get some gigs, and hopefully from there i can start my road to success, if God wills. Man, i REALLY want this, there's nothing in the world i want as badly as that! [besides God's acceptance]. I know there's tons of people out there that want this bad too... but i'm going for it :) Gosh, i should stop talking about this. I'm pretty sure most of you just scrolled down ouch.

Well... i'm famished now :). I had an 'intense' conversation with my parents, mostly my dad, about my freedom. It didn't end like i wanted, even tho i 'won' the discussion. I don't feel right bout it. I should.. but i don't. The conversation: I wanted more freedom when i hung out with my friends. My curfrew was 9pm everyday. But its not like i actually left anywhere.. its too embarassing if you have to leave at 9pm. So i was just telling my dad that I didn't feel that 9pm was late enough. I tought at least 11. But he tought differently. But at the end he just gave in and said"ok fine, do what you want".. but it didn't feel like proper permission to me. It sucks.

Well i've got to go sleep now. Good Night Everybodyy!!
haha... its 10:10pm. I feel rebellious. >)
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